In this chapter, Paul talks about the Christians response to governing authorities. A lot of people want to skip Romans Chapter 13 for they feel that they just have to obey scripture but Paul clearly says we have a responsibility to obey them

It make no difference who the government is: be it democratic, communist or a dictator, we are told to obey them for they have been established by God. In fact Romans chapter 13 states “there is no authority except that which God has established.
Some will say that Act 5:29 where the Apostles stated that they would obey the rule of God rather than man applies to all situations but that portion is very clear. Unless the government is telling you to do something God has told the Christian not to do, or to not do something God has told us to do, we are to obey the authority of the governing authorities. Otherwise, the are consequences.

Paul tells us we are to love one another and quotes Leviticus 19:18, “Love your neighbor as yourself” Jesus calls this the second greatest commandment with the first being “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind”
Wake Up
Paul closes in call the believer to wake up! We are to be people of the light and not the dark, people of the day and not the night. We are told to “Cloth ourselves (to put on) with the Lord Jesus Christ …”
Attached is the YouTube link for Romans Chapter 13