Special Speaker – Stan Anonbi
Sunday Service 9535 Williams Street, Chilliwack, BC, CanadaStan is coming to speak on May 8th. He has been a Bible translator for a number of years so it will be good to hear his story
Stan is coming to speak on May 8th. He has been a Bible translator for a number of years so it will be good to hear his story
Revivalist Len LINDSTROM will be setting up his tent on the church property and will conducting evening meetings from Sunday May 8th to Sunday May 15. The meetings start at …
CANCELLED DUE TO ICE The Christmas Eve service is Dec 24, 2022 5pm This is a great night of music, scripture reading and candlelight.
On Christmas Day we are having a worship service at 10:30am
The week of prayer starts on Sunday, January 15 and goes to Sunday, January 22 The Weekday and Saturday meetings are at 7pm at the church Sunday services start at …